
Support New York’s Most Vulnerable and Their Family Caregivers

Take Action and tell Governor Hochul and the NYS Legislature
“Hands Off Our Home Care.”

What is CDPAP?

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) allows eligible care recipients to take full control over their home health care by hiring a caregiver of their choice who is paid through Medicaid.

The caregiver can be anyone the care recipient chooses – a parent, close relative, or friend – and allows the care recipient to remain in their home while receiving culturally competent care from someone they know and trust.

Why is CDPAP at risk?

For years, CDPAP has ensured that the most vulnerable New Yorkers – those with chronic illness and disabilities – receive the care they need from trusted loved ones.

This program is essential, particularly in many rural parts of the state where CDPAP may be the only option available, and in ethnically diverse communities where home health aides and nursing homes may not speak the language or understand local cultural norms. Community-based organizations, called Fiscal Intermediaries, help families gain access to the program, ensure their loved ones are paid on time, and have someone they trust if they face challenges with their care.

But Governor Hochul and the State Legislature just passed a law that will drastically disrupt access to this program by choosing a single out-of-state provider to run the program, significantly limiting access to care for New Yorkers.

What Can We Do?

We must tell Governor Hochul and the New York Legislature that they need to fix their mistake that will disrupt care for over 250,000 New York care recipients, cause fear and uncertainty, harm health outcomes for our loved ones, and push many care recipients into nursing home facilities instead of being cared for by trusted family members in the comfort of their own homes.

What Is The Solution?

Instead of choosing one out-of-state Fiscal Intermediary that doesn’t know the difference between Elmhurst and Elmira, New York can easily reform the existing program by increasing accountability and transparency, while avoiding mass chaos and disruption, such as implementing an official registry with Health Department oversight.

Tell Governor Hochul and the State Legislature that your family member’s home care is too important to risk.

TELL NEW YORK STATE: Don’t Disrupt My Loved Ones’ Home Care!

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